Monday, December 5, 2011

Sweatshirts and Free Holiday Shipping OH MY!!!

Apparel of Honor sweatshirts
are HERE!

Free Shipping until Christmas! 

Also we have decided to offer a discount to anyone who wants to buy an Apparel of Honor shirt or sweatshirt for a Veteran.
 You buy it and we'll deliver it!
 We'll make sure that each and every shirt purchased goes directly to a Veteran and/or family member of a Veteran recently injured at Bethesda.

During this holiday season it's easy to get caught up in the craziness but PLEASE take a minute to remember those who are deployed away from their family and friends and those who have been injured or given the ultimate sacrifice for us.....

Buy an Apparel of Honor sweatshirt or shirt for those on your holiday shopping list.
Help us show Veterans that we say THANK YOU!!!! 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Veterans Weekend We'll NEVER Forget

This weekend can be best described by this quote:

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the moments that take our breath away.

Veterans Weekend 2011 was unbelievable. 

Kicked off Thursday night when I was invited to be the guest speaker at the Groton Lion's club dinner. I had the opportunity to talk to a room filled with people who appreciate and love the military. Many who have much more experience and understanding than I'll ever know...

Friday morning we received our copy of the Hartford Magazine article about Apparel of Honor - check it out!!!

Friday night I walked into The Black Sheep Restaurant in Niantic, CT to see Apparel of Honor "Risk" shirts on almost every person on the staff! It was a humbling moment to walk in and see that what we are trying to do with Apparel of Honor - raise awareness about how awesome our Veterans are - is working! 

Saturday we sold Apparel of Honor shirts at the Keni Thomas event. Keni is not only an incredibly talented motivator and singer but he is also a Veteran. He was there in Mogadishu as an Army Ranger involved in the fight. He is the REAL THING. He is inspiring.

From the support of Keni's fans, we were able to donate more than $100 to the
Special Operations Warrior Foundation on Saturday!
The event raised even more - that was just Apparel of Honor's portion! 

There were other moments of the weekend that literally - took my breath away. A friend dropped off red, white and blue flowers. She said that she had been visiting Veterans who gave their lives for us all day dropping off flowers. I was the one person she chose to visit on Veterans Day and say thanks in person. The honor and respect she showed me in that gesture can't be described and it gave me more motivation to do everything possible to make sure Apparel of Honor stays rooted in our mission. 

Three other organizations donated money and extended their hearts to Veterans this weekend. The Groton Area Chief Petty Officers Association, The Freedom Riders USA and a small group of military spouses that call themselves "Anam Cara" made a private gesture that showed that Veterans out there are LOVED and will NEVER be forgotten. 

This weekend was a reminder of why we started Apparel of Honor and why it means so much to us. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Apparel of Honor bumper sticker

Here's our new bumper sticker. They are only $1 so go buy a few and while you are at our website buy a new shirt!

Jess and Jodi

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lauren's Story from the Gala - Gotta Love It

This past Saturday my friend Lauren (Navy Veteran) attended the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation’s Annual Philadelphia Dinner and Gala. Her dad Al (Navy retired 30 years Veteran!), mom Kate and boyfriend Brett (still active duty Navy) all purchased Apparel of Honor’s new long sleeve black “risk” shirt before they left.

Last night Lauren told me a story that we had to share –

Lauren had changed out of her formal dress and put on her new “risk” shirt to hang out after the ball.  She met a young, double-amputee with long pants on who kept getting up and getting drinks for everyone. When he got up one time – a Medal of Honor winner (the highest award given in the military – these people are like celebrities for us Veterans) told Lauren that the guy getting everyone drinks had lost his legs.

When Lauren asked why he kept getting drinks for everyone else he said “well ma’am your legs are going to get tired quicker than mine will” – classic response huh!?!?

Friday, October 14, 2011

NEW Kids and Adult Long Sleeve Shirts and SALE announcement!

Veterans' Day SALE! $5 off every shirt! 

Priced as marked ends Nov. 13th! 

Order by Halloween to have your shirts by Veterans' Day.

NEW Kids and Adult Long Sleeve Styles released today!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Support Special Operations Warrior Foundation Fundraiser!

A good friend's dad is organizing this event. Looks like it will be a great night and you get to watch a talented (not at all tough on the eyes!) Veteran sing his songs and raise money for a very honorable foundation. 


The Joseph P Amico Memorial Foundation is sponsoring a great fundraising event on Veteran’s Day week end, November 12, 2011. 

All proceeds will go to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation  They are consistently awarded a 4 star charity rating.

Mission Statement
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation provides full scholarship grants and educational and family counseling to the surviving children of special operations personnel who die in operational or training missions and immediate financial assistance to severely wounded special operations personnel and their families.

 The Joseph P. Amico Memorial Foundation
An Intimate Evening Of Inspiration and Music with
Saturday November 12, 2011
6:30 - 8:00 PM – Optional Post Event Book Signing
Flood Middle School Auditorium
490 Chapel Street, Stratford CT

Country Music Star, Former Army Ranger of Special Ops Unit Task Force Ranger, Decorated Combat Veteran who fought
in the Battle of Mogadishu
recounted in “Black Hawk Down”

Join us for an inspirational evening for the whole family as Keni recounts the infamous battle, and shares “what it means to lead the way”. It will be immediately obvious that Keni speaks and sings from the heart, with an uncanny ability to deliver the message to everyone, regardless of your position in life..  You will never be the same.

$25 ticket includes the event & a new book by Keni
$15 ticket kids 15 & under includes event & optional at event $15 book purchase

Available at  AND (800) 595-4849 (4TIX)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bethesda Veteran Visit

Take a good look at your legs. Aren't they great? They make you so mobile and agile. Now imagine that they are gone. Are you less of a person? Is it possible you could be more than you were?

For the three young 20-something Veterans we visited last Monday at Bethesda Medical Hospital, the loss of a limb or more, seemed to grow a larger spirit. They were not going to give up on their dreams, and they all will most definitely continue to serve and defend our country in some manner.

While the loss certainly affected them in negative ways, we saw first hand how it can develop increased determination in those injured Veterans and in us. 

Determination on our part to remind others that what happened to those Veterans still happens everyday. We hope the Apparel of Honor t-shirts we donated to them and their families brightened their day.

As for the rest of our week in Washington D.C., we were privileged to meet quite a few people with fabulous insight and direction regarding our business. We're especially thankful to the CEOs at the Inc. Magazine  Military Entrepreneur Program, part of the Inc 500/5000 conference for the fastest-growing privately held companies in the U.S, a list we are not on, YET. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bethesda Trip Monday - Donate a t-shirt to a Hero!

We're headed to Bethesda on Monday afternoon with the Purple Heart guys and we're going to give away free t-shirts to some of our wounded Veterans and their families.

If you want to buy a t-shirt to add to our bag of donation t-shirts hand delivered to our heroes let us know!

We are flying down to Bethesda on Monday and will be meeting with wounded Veterans and their families.  We want to be able to donate as many shirts as possible so please help us add to our bag!

For now if you want to donate a t-shirt just send us an email or when you buy a t-shirt online add a note to your order that you want the shirt to be donated.

We're going to add this option to our website soon but for Monday's trip - send us an email at or add the note to your order!

We'll let everyone know how our trip goes and how many t-shirts we're able to give to our wounded Veterans!

Jodi and Jess

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Long Sleeve Shirt Coming Soon!

Keep an eye on our website! 

We are developing a new long sleeve design! 

We're also working on a kid's design.... 

Any suggestions on what sizes you think would be most popular for kids? Please email us at with your thoughts. 

We'd like to get your ideas before we buy the kid's shirt. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Auction for the Vaughn Family is OPEN - go bid!

Here are the rules: Vaughn Auction Rules

Go to this site below and bid on the ITEM you want NOT the ALBUM. Auction will close next Sunday.

Auction for the Vaughn Family - album

We donated some Apparel of Honor t-shirts. 100% of the money they raise through PayPal will go to Aaron's family.

Support our fallen hero's wife Kimberly and their two children left behind....

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Vaughn Family Auction on Facebook

Aaron Vaughn was one of the 22 Navy Seals killed in a helicopter crash on August 6th. As described by his family, he was a man of faith and true patriotism. 

Friends of his family created a Facebook page and are hosting an auction to raise funds for his wife Kimberly and two children left behind. ANY and ALL funds raised will go to the Paypal account created by the family for the Vaughn children at the end of the auction.

We donated a few of our Apparel of Honor t-shirts to the auction. They are planning to send out details regarding bidding tomorrow and then the auction will open Monday. Go "like" the page to find out more details and bid on some of the more than 100 items donated once the auction opens. 

During such a tragedy, it's good to see people coming together to help a Veteran's family. 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New shirts have arrived!!!

Check out our website at to buy this new Womens' tank top!  Yes, it's cheeky, but a true statement, nonetheless.   A very cute way for the ladies to show their love this summer!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our current "Veteran of Honor"

Check out this tab above to see the Veteran we are highlighting this month.  These posts may be more often than once a month, so check back often!  And, if you know a special Veteran that you would like us to recognize, please send a photo and brief description to

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Apparel of Honor is an official blogger!

Wow... we're really making progress now!

We're on Facebook, twitter and now we have our own website and blog. So exciting to finally be able to get the word out about Apparel of Honor.

Our goal is to bring Veteran support mainstream and remind those who risk their lives for us - that we have NOT forgotten or taken that for granted. We appreciate Veterans!

New tank top design coming soon.... within a day or two... keep your eyes out!!!